Jayson Werth May Hire Scott Boras

September 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Fan News

Via Craig Calcaterra of Hardball Talk:

On Friday, Jerry Crasnick tweeted that Jayson Werth has parted ways with agent Jeff Borris.  Werth was cagey about it when asked over the weekend, denying that he has left Borris and Beverly Hills Sports council.  That’s likely a matter of semantics, however, because Crasnick’s source says Werth is “shopping” for new representation. I’m hearing the same thing.

What else I’m hearing: the front-runner is Scott Boras, with whom Werth is “way down the road,” according to my sources, and it’s looking like he will sign with him.

This is bad news for Yankee fans hoping that they sign Werth this off-season. The Yankees do have a history of signing Boras clients, but that was more back in the day when The Boss was in charge.

Lately, Brian Cashman and company have not have as much success when dealing with Boras. It started when Alex Rodriguez opted out of his last contract with the Yankees, and of course there was last off-season and the whole Johnny Damon debacle.

Dealing with Boras also means that the Yankees would have to pay top dollar for Werth’s services. It was certainly possible the Yankees would have tried to go after Werth this off-season, but not if he’s likely to demand upwards of $20 million per season ,and will probably ask for at least seven years.

Many of you might be saying, so what, it’s only money and the Yankees have an unlimited supply. Even if that were true, it isn’t, they still have an attractive option in Brett Gardner at a much cheaper price.

If Werth signs on with Boras, it all but closes the door on the possibility that he will end up in pinstripes.

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